Whether you are having a dog as a pet or for some other greater purpose like a therapy dog, it is necessary that your dog has some dog training, even a basic one.
Many people enjoy having a dog at home without first understanding the need to train the dog. In most cases, this results in canine behavioral problems.
As many people say, “Getting a dog is a commitment.” Responsible dog ownership requires that you provide basic obedience training. With basic training, a dog owner creates a bond with his dog and ensures that his furry companion grows up to be a well-behaved dog.
With the right tools and approach, you can undertake basic dog training even at home. Here are the things you need to know to get started on basic training.

What Is Dog Training?
Dog training is the process of analyzing behavioral patterns and applying them to amend or improve a dog’s behavior. Training your furry friends is necessary not just for shaping your dog’s behavior to adapt to specific activities like hunting or herding but even in daily ordinary domestic living.
In training a dog, you or a dog trainer teaches a dog how to act given certain stimuli. For example, you may train your dog to sit every time you show him the open palm of your hand and bring it toward your chest as a basic hand signal.
Training your dogs also includes growing your pets to adapt to a natural behavior that is appropriate to social norms and domestic life. It includes dog obedience training, which imparts to your dogs some basic commands that they should obey.
Both dogs and dog owners benefit from various training sessions. For successful training sessions, it is essential that you are consistent and have a positive approach to training. Employing these elements would ensure that you get the best results in training your pup. In no time, you will reap the rewards of your patience and dedication!

Can I Train My Dog Myself?
Yes, training your dog yourself is possible and advantageous too. If you would train your own furry pet, you do not have to pay for the services of a dog trainer. It is a budget-friendly option for training your new pup without denting your pockets.
Also, it would give you more time to bond with your dog and develop a better relationship with him. It is also practical since you already know the attitude of your dog. You understand how he would react, given particular circumstances. Hence, it would be easier for you to train him.
Preparation for Training
Before diving into training properly, here are some training tips to help you undertake this challenging process.
It is important to prepare the essential tools and equipment you and your dog need. There are a few basic tools you would need to successfully train your pup, such as a collar, leash, crate, some dog or puppy treats, and maybe some training toys.
Choose a training method that would work best for you and your new puppy. Make sure that your choice is one that you and your dog can achieve.
Next, prepare the training environment. Start in a place with minimal distraction. Observe your dog’s body language and make sure that they are in good condition to undergo training. A dog learns better under positive circumstances.
During basic training sessions, use a lively or happy voice to give out an important command to your dog. It will lock your dog’s attention.
Also, be consistent in using the same basic cues or commands every training session. Keep repeating the same command until it becomes embedded in your dog’s head and he has mastered the cue.
Training your dog must not be tedious for you and your pup. Keep training sessions short and interesting. Some dogs have short attention spans. Training them for longer periods can only tire them out without any learning. Reward your dog with a treat, toy, or praise after he has exhibited the correct reaction to your command.
It’s also important to be consistent and use the same command each time. Make sure to practice with your pup until they have mastered the command before moving on to the next one.
Basic commands can help build a strong bond between you and your pup and will provide a great foundation for more advanced training down the road. With patience and dedication, your pup will soon be responding to all of your commands!

Basic Training
Don’t ever believe the saying that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Training an adult dog is still possible. The training process may be longer, but with patience or with the help of a certified professional dog trainer, it is still possible.
There are many options for you to train your puppy or dog.
Socialization Classes
Start with the basics. When you have a new puppy, the first training they undergo is socialization. Upon bringing your new pup home, he needs to be introduced to his environment and new family. Then, your dog must get accustomed to other environments. He needs to see the world and associate with the public. When your lifestyle or workload does not provide you with enough time to train your dog, you may opt to enroll your dog in puppy socialization classes.
Potty Training
Potty training comes next. You can explore some potty training techniques such as crate training, crate-free potty training, or bell training to housebreak your pups.
Crate training is one effective way to potty train your pups. This method uses a crate to housebreaking your pup. While in the crate, pups learn to hold their bladder until such time that they can do their business outside.
Potty training a dog without a crate is also possible with crate-free potty training. With this method, the dog is taken outside to a specific potty spot in the yard to do their business.
Advanced Training
Moving on to more advanced training after this is also recommended. With positive reinforcement training and clicker training, you can teach your dog some tricks.

Positive Reinforcement Method
The positive reinforcement method uses rewards to teach your dogs to associate certain behaviors with rewards. Hence, a dog knows that behaving positively will get him a reward (a treat, praise, or a toy). In the long run, given the same stimulus, the dog will behave the same way, with or without the reward.
Clicker Training
Clicker training is a training method that uses a clicker. A clicker is a tiny handheld tool that makes a clicking sound by pushing a button. This type of dog training is generally resorted to in dog obedience training.
In clicker training, your furry friend associates the clicking sound with treats. Eventually, you teach your dog some basic commands along with a clicker and treats. Over time, your dog would learn that obeying commands would get him treats. And soon, he will develop the habit of dog obedience.
You might find this book about clicker training helpful.
Dog Obedience and Basic Commands
Dog obedience training focuses on teaching your furry companions some basic dog commands. Using the positive reinforcement method, your furry companion learns dog training commands.
There are several basic commands that your dog needs to learn to live happily with both you and other people. One basic cue is the sit command to gain control of your dog in public. The same goes for the stay command, being another essential obedience command.

Other Training Techniques
There are other training methods and techniques to teach dogs good behavior, tricks, and more advanced commands, depending on what both you and your dog need. For example, most dogs with high energy are encouraged to undertake agility training. It provides them with an exhaust to vent out their energy.
In cases where you need to get a dog trained as a service animal, many organizations provide training for service dogs. Our article here lists some of these organizations which provide service dogs.
For other dogs with canine behavior problems such as extreme barking, digging, etc., training sessions with a pet behavior specialist would help teach your dogs a more positive behavior.
There are also some pet stores, like Petsmart and Petco, which provide training classes for both puppies and dogs. Check on your local pet stores, as they might have these services, too!

A Well-Trained Dog
It is good to check out other resources to get the most out of everything in training your new dog. It is always best that you stay consistent and determined.
Training your pet may sound so daunting at first. But, if you enjoy what you do, you and your dog are sure to have fun out of dog training.
Remember, a well-trained dog is a good and happy dog.